

  • 5th March 2025 - Talk - University of Manchester, Seminar for Statistics, Quantification of Uncertainties, Inverse Problems and Data Science (Manchester, UK).
  • 28th February 2025 - Talk - University of Bristol, Statistics seminar series (Bristol, UK).


  • 10-11th December 2024 - Talk - ANR Samourai RT-UQ workshop, Institut Henri Poincare (Paris, France).
  • 28th November 2024 - Talk - ESSEC Business School, Data Analytics seminar (Cergy, France).
  • 24th October 2024 - Talk - University of Southampton, Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute (S3RI) seminar series (Southampton, UK).
  • 1st-6th September 2024 - Talk - Workshop on “Frontiers of Bayesian Inference and Data Science”, Casa Matemática Oaxaca (online).
  • 18th-23rd August 2024 - Talk - MCQMC 2024, University of Waterloo. Session on ‘Learning to solve related integrals’ (Waterloo, Canada).
  • 15-17th July 2024 - Talk - ProbNum2024 (London, UK).
  • 1st-7th July 2024 - Talk - ISBA World Meeting, Session on ‘Gaussian Processes’ (Venice, Italy).
  • 7th June 2024 - Talk - The Institute for Statistical Mathematics, Statistical Machine Learning seminar (Tokyo, Japan).
  • 6th June 2024 - Talk - RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Seminar (Tokyo, Japan).
  • 31st May 2024 - Talk - University of Warwick, Foundations of AI seminar (Coventry, UK).
  • 23rd April 2024 - Talk - University College London, Computational Statistics Theme day, Department of Statistical Science (London, UK).
  • 11th April 2024 - Talk Lancaster University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Computational Statistics and Machine Learning Seminar (Lancaster, UK).
  • 9th-11th April 2024 - Talk - STOR-i Masterclass on “Stein’s Method as a Computational Tool”, Lancaster University (Lancaster, UK). Delivering three-day masterclass for the STOR-i centre for doctoral training.
  • 25th-27th March 2024 - Talk - Workshop on Functional Inference and Machine Intelligence (FIMI), University of Bristol (Bristol, UK).



  • 9th May 2022 - Talk - Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning Coffee Seminar (Online talk).
  • 27th April 2022 - Talk - G-Research (London, UK).
  • 17th March 2022 - Talk - Boston University, Department of Mathematics & Statistics (Online talk).
  • 11th February 2022 - Talk - University of Cambridge, Statistical Laboratory (Cambridge, UK).
  • 1st February 2022 - Talk - Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab, Universiteit van Amsterdam (Online talk).
  • 6th January 2022 - Talk - Secondmind, Research Seminar Series (Online Talk). (Video)


  • 8th December 2021 - Poster - Royal Statistical Society, workshop on Stein’s method in computational statistics (London, UK).
  • 11th November 2021 - Talk - Cardiff University, Probability, Statistics, Operational Research and Machine Learning Seminar Series, School of Mathematics (Cardiff, UK).
  • 25th October 2021 - Talk - Dagstuhl Seminar on Probabilistic Numerical Computation, Dagstuhl schloss (Dagstuhl, Germany).
  • 16th September 2021 - Talk - Met Office Data Science Community Meetings, UK Met Office (Online talk).
  • 9th July 2021 - Talk - Warwick SIAM-IMA Applied Mathematics Conference 2021, University of Warwick (Online talk).
  • 2nd June 2021 - Talk - UCL/Met Office Meeting on Uncertainty Quantification and Parametrisations (Online talk).
  • 19th February 2021 - Talk - OxCSML Seminar, University of Oxford (Online talk).


  • 25th September 2020 - Talk - Duke University, Department of Statistical Science, Departmental Seminar (Online talk).
  • 25th September 2020 - Talk - RIKEN AIP (Online). (slides)
  • 9-14th August 2020 - Talk - 14th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, University of Oxford (Oxford, UK). (Video)
  • 3rd August 2020 - Talk - Joint Statistical Meetings 2020 (Online talk).
  • 30th July 2020 - Talk - University College London, Department of Statistical Science. Departmental Seminar Series (Online talk).
  • 25th June 2020 - Talk - Junior Bayes Beyond Borders Seminar Series, Bocconi University (Online talk).
  • 22nd April 2020 - Talk - University College London, Department of Computer Science. AI Centre Seminar (Online talk).
  • 2nd April 2020 - Talk (online) - University College London, Department of Statistical Science, Computational Statistics Reading Group (Online talk).
  • 27th February 2020 - Talk - Amazon Research Cambridge (Cambridge, UK).
  • 7th February 2020 - Talk - Newcastle University, School of Mathematics, Statistics & Physics (Newcastle, UK).



  • 15th December 2018 - Talk - 11th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018), Session on “The Stein method and applications in statistics” (Pisa, Italy).
  • 14th November 2018 - Talk - Harvard University, Department of Statistics (Cambridge, US).
  • 13th November 2018 - Talk - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) (Cambridge, US).
  • 11th-12th October 2018 - Talk - MURI Annual Meeting at Imperial College London (London, UK).
  • 10th-15th July 2018 - Two talks and two posters - International Conference on Machine Learning, Stockholmsmassan (Stockholm, Sweden).
  • 3rd July 2018 - Poster - 38th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, The Alan Turing Institute (London, UK).
  • 19th June 2018 - Talk - Mind Foundry Ltd. (Oxford, UK).
  • 19th June 2018 - Talk - University of Oxford, Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance (Oxford, UK).
  • 6th June 2018 - Talk - Universite de Liege, Workshop on Modern Mathematical Methods for Data Analysis (Liege, Belgium).
  • 23rd May 2018 - Talk - University of Cambridge, Isaac Newton Institute (Cambridge, UK).
  • 2nd May 2018 - Talk - University of Sheffield, Machine Learning Seminar (Sheffield, UK).
  • 16th April 2018 - Talk - SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Session on Probabilistic Numerical Methods for Quantification of Discretisation Error (Garden Grove, California, US).
  • 12th April 2018 - Talk - The Alan Turing Institute, Workshop on Probabilistic Numerical Computation (London, UK).
  • 3rd April 2018 - Talk - The Alan Turing Institute, Theory and Algorithms for Data Science (London, UK).
  • 26th March 2018 - Talk - BayesComp 2018, Contributed Session on Stein’s method in Computational Statistics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain).
  • 26th March 2018 - Poster - BayesComp 2018, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain).
  • 23rd March 2018 - Poster - 54th Gregynog Statistical Conference, Gregynog Hall (Newton, UK).
  • 21st February 2018 - Talk - University of Cambridge, Isaac Newton Institute (Cambridge, UK).
  • 29th January 2018 - Talk - University of Warwick, Centre for Complexity Science, Machine Learning Research Group (Coventry, UK).


  • 1st December 2017- Talk - The Alan Turing Institute for Data Science, Topical Discussions meeting group (London, UK)
  • 17th October 2017 - Talk - Imperial College London, Data Science Institute (London, UK).
  • 10th July 2017 - Talk - SIAM Annual Meeting, Advances for PDE-constrained Bayesian Inverse Problem, David Lawrence Convention Center (Pittsburgh, US).
  • 3rd-5th July - Talk - Statistical Data Science Workshop, Imperial College London and Winton Capital (London, UK).
  • 3rd May 2017 - Talk - SIAM-IMA Annual Conference of the Cambridge Student Chapter, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK).
  • 31st January 2017 - Talk - International Center for Mathematical Sciences, University of Edinburgh. Workshop on the Mathematics for Measurement (Edinburgh, UK).
  • 23rd January 2017 - Talk - University of Oxford, Mathematics Institute, Stochastic Analysis Seminar (Oxford, UK).


  • 10th December 2016 - Talk - CMStatistics 2016, Universidad de Sevilla (Seville, Spain). Invited Session on Stein’s Method in Statistics.
  • 1st December 2016 - Talk - 2nd IMA Conference on the Mathematical Challenges of Big Data (London, UK).
  • 9th November 2016 - Talk - SIAM Student Conference, University of Warwick (Coventry, UK).
  • 7th October 2016 - Talk - Oxford-Warwick Statistics Programme Annual Workshop, University of Warwick (Coventry, UK).
  • 6th October 2016 - Talk - University of Oxford, Statistics Department, Workshop on Stein’s Method and its Applications (Oxford, UK).
  • 18th August 2016 - Talk - 12th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (MCQMC 2016), University of Stanford (Stanford, US). Special Session on “Probabilistic Numerics”.
  • 2nd August 2016 - Talk - Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM2016), ASA Section on Bayesian Statistical Science Student Award Session, McCormick Place Convention Center (Chicago, US).
  • 24th May 2016 - Talk - University of Warwick, Statistics Department (Coventry, UK). Young Researchers Meetings.
  • 10th May 2016 - Talk & Poster - Amazon Machine Learning Division (Berlin, Germany).
  • 26th April 2016 - Talk - Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Tuebingen, Germany). 1st Probabilistic Numerics PhD Convention.
  • 20th April 2016 - Poster & Elevator Talk - University of Warwick, Statistics Department (Coventry, UK). CRISM workshop on Estimating Constants.
  • 19th April 2016 - Talk - University of Reading, Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Reading, UK). Afternoon meeting on Bayesian Computation.
  • 16th April 2016 - Poster - 52nd Gregynog Statistical Conference, Gregynog Hall (Newton, UK).
  • 5th April 2016 - Poster - University of Warwick, Statistics Department (Coventry, UK). CRISM Master Class on Nonparametric Bayes.
  • 11th March 2016 - Talk - University College London, Centre for Computational Statistics and Machine Learning (London, UK). Microsoft Research CSML Seminar Series.
  • 8th March 2016 - Talk - University of Bath, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Statistics Seminar (Bath, UK).
  • 7th March 2016 - Talk - University of Warwick, Mathematics Institute (Coventry, UK). EQUIP Research Group, Lunch Talk.
  • 29th February 2016 - Poster - University of Nottingham (Nottingham, UK), LMS workshop on Big Inverse Problems.
  • 1st February 2016 - Talk - University of Oxford, Statistics Department (Oxford, UK). Kernel Methods Talk.
  • 21st January 2016 - Talk - University of Oxford, Engineering Science Department (Oxford, UK). Machine Learning Group, Tea Talk.
  • 5-7th January 2016 - Talk & Poster - 6th IMS-ISBA Joint Meeting on Bayesian Computation at MCMSKI V (Lenzerheide, Switzerland)


  • 11th December 2015 - Talk - 29th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, NIPS workshop on Probabilistic Integration, Palais des congres de Montreal (Montreal, Canada).
  • 8th December 2015 - Spotlight Presentation & Poster - 29th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) (Montreal, Canada).
  • 13th November 2015 - Talk - London Mathematical Society (London, UK), Annual General Meeting & Graduate Student Meeting.
  • 23rd October 2015 - Talk - University of Warwick, Statistics Department (Coventry, UK). Algorithms & Computationally Intensive Inference Seminars.
  • 9th October 2015 - Poster - University of Warwick, (Coventry, UK). Oxford-Warwick Workshop: Scalable Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Large and Complex Data Sets.
  • 14th September 2015 - Talk - International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SciCADE 2015), Minisymposia on Probabilistic Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations, University of Potsdam (Potsdam, Germany).
  • 21st August 2015 - Poster - Monash University, Clayton School of Information Technology (Melbourne, Australia). Machine Learning Bootcamp.
  • 22nd June 2015 - Talk - University of Warwick, Mathematics Institute (Coventry, UK). EQUIP Research Group, Lunch Talk.
  • 11th June 2015 - Talk - University of Oxford, Engineering Science Department (Oxford, UK). Machine Learning Group, Tea Talk.
  • 17th April 2015 - Poster - 51st Gregynog Statistical Conference, Gregynog Hall (Newton, UK).